Don’t Be Foggy About Bug Bomb Safety – Orange County Pest Control

Don’t Be Foggy About Bug Bomb Safety

  • Don’t Be Foggy About Bug Bomb Safety

    There are many options available to you if you decide you want to treat a bug problem on your own instead of using a professional pest control company.  The choices you have include green products, traps and baits, chemical dusts and sprays, or foggers also known as ‘bug bombs’.  When the bug problem is cockroaches, fleas, or bed bugs many people choose to use a bug bomb.  A bug bomb is a pesticide used to fumigate an area infested with bugs.  Unfortunately, because you can walk into just about any store and purchase a bug bomb straight off the shelf, many people forget that they are dealing with a pesticide.

    caution bug bomb

    When people call us requesting a service, they often ask a lot of questions about what type of chemicals we use, how safe our products are, and what kind of precautions they should take when re-entering their home after service.  But when they buy a bug bomb, many people don’t even bother to read the instructions.

    question man

    It is important to remember that bug bombs release pesticides and should be used with care. If you choose to use bug bombs always read the label and instructions carefully and be sure to follow them.  You should always leave your house even if you are just treating one room.  Be aware of the time you leave so you do not enter your home early and expose yourself to the chemical.  If you have breathing problems, you may want to consider an alternate method of treatment.  If you are unsure, check with your doctor.  Don’t forget to turn your pilot lights off on your stove and water heater so you have a house to come home to.  Also, make sure the pests you are trying to kill are listed on the label.


    The EPA warns that bug bombs can be damaging to a person’s health if used incorrectly. We have also seen many instances in the news where people have started fires in their homes, and sometimes even caused explosions because of their failure to follow the instructions listed on the label.

    danger label

    Whether bug bombs are effective in getting rid of your bug problem is a debate that has been going on for quite a while.  We have had people swear that using bug bombs relieved them of their pest problems for years after their initial use.  We have also had people calling up frustrated because they have treated multiple times with bug bombs and the problem only got worse.  The one thing that all professionals seem to agree on is that bug bombs are ineffective when trying to control and eradicate bed bugs.


    There is a lot left to say about what bug bombs actually do and the pros and cons of using them, but that is a topic for another day.  Meanwhile,  if you decide bug bombs are the way to go, remember to read and follow the label.  And above all else, hold yourself up to the same safety standards that you would expect from any professional pest control company.  If you decide you would rather have help in gaining control over your bug problem, just give us a call at 714-916-0173.

    Give us a call and watch your expectations be exceeded.

    Preferred General Contracting & Exterminating Orange County

    Office: 714.916.0173 • Fax: 714.486.2621

    Offering: Pest Control, Termite Control, Bed Bug Treatment, Bee Service and more…


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