SoCal Sowbug Prevention

Have you spotted sowbugs in your Orange County home lately? If their already indoors, it could mean their numbers are growing rapidly out in your yard. Get the facts on sowbugs and learn the best methods of control from Preferred Pest Control! Need help with your Sowbugs? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Sowbugs Facts Did you know that sowbugs are not bugs but are in fact land-living crustaceans? It’s true. These little guys are flat, round, have 7 pairs of legs, and 2 pairs of antennae. They are dark gray in color, have segmented bodies, and grow up to 1/2 inch in size. Sowbugs are often confused with ...

Sow Bug Prevention and Management

Facts about Sow Bugs: Although the word ‘bug’ is in their name, sow bugs (also referred to as woodlouse), are not really bugs at all and are in fact land-living crustaceans! They belong to arthropod group, which are invertebrate animals who have exoskeletons and jointed appendages. Sow bugs are tiny creatures who are about 1cm in length, have 7 pairs of legs, and have 2 pairs of antennae. Another bug that resembles the sow bug and is often mistaken for one is the pill bug. The pill bug has the ability to roll up into a ball when it is disturbed (unlike the sow bug) and the sow bug has appendages ...