Fall Pests: Ant Infestations in Orange County

In most cold regions of the country, ants go into a dormant, hibernation-like state during the chilly fall months. But in Orange County, our temperate and balmy climate is a bit of a double-edged sword. It’s usually warm enough for ants to stay active all year long—yet just chilly enough that they may be encouraged to move indoors to stay protected from the elements.  Here at Preferred Pest Control, we see an uptick in ant infestations each fall. And as Orange County’s pest control professionals, we’re offering some quick tips on what you can do to keep these unwanted pests out of your home this fall — plus info on how to deal ...

Do You Still Need Pest Control During Fall?

pest control fall
It’s been quite warm in Orange County, CA! Especially in the northern cities like Fullerton, Corona, and Orange. But when chilly fall weather comes rolling in, what could be better than staying inside and getting cozy?  Orange County residents aren’t the only ones who think that way. Cold temperatures and limited food availability drive rodents, insects, and other common household pests to seek shelter indoors.  As pest control professionals, we frequently see an uptick in infestations during the colder months. That’s why we’ve put together a few easy tips you can follow to keep pests out of your home during fall. Secure your garbage bins—both inside and outside  New food ...

Orange County Residents – Need to Get Rid of Silverfish?

silver fish
Orange County residents and homeowners most likely have encountered silverfish scurrying on their kitchen floors, in and around pantries, or up in the attic. Virtually any place that is cool and damp is bound to attract these silvery, three-tailed flat insects. Although these tiny, wingless creatures are relatively harmless to humans, anything starch-based is fair game; we’re talking not just starch foods but fabrics, paste, wallpaper, and books. Also, interesting fact: contrary to popular belief, silverfish are not known to carry diseases. Since silverfish are starch lovers, they can eat and damage such starch-concentrated items found around homes. So how do Orange County suburbanites save their starch foods and products ...

Orange County Earwigs and Silverfish

Have you been noticing some nocturnal insect activity in or around your house at night? You might have a problem with earwigs or silverfish which are two common insects here in Orange County. Read on to find out how to control these insects. Need help with your Earwigs or Silverfish problems? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Earwigs Measuring in at about 5/8ths of an inch, earwigs are a dark brown insect that are pretty easily identified by their large pincers on their backside. Earwigs live in soil, prefer moist areas to live, are nocturnal, and feed on organic substances like plants, crops, and other debris. During the day, ...

Silverfish in your home – Orange County

Most likely you have Silverfish in your home. We all do. Silverfish are also know as: Lepisma saccharina, frequently called a silverfish or fishmoth, and is a small, wingless insect. Its common name derives from the animal’s silvery light grey and blue colour, combined with the fish-like appearance of its movement. Silverfish are nocturnal insects about 13–25 mm long.  Their abdomens taper at the end, giving them a fish-like appearance. Silverfish are harmless to humans so don’t worry (they do not bite or sting). Silverfish like areas that are warm, moist and dark. Typically you find them in garages, closets, basement, laundry room, under sinks etc. They enjoy eating things like: old ...