Bed Bugs Versus Dust Mites – When You Need Professional Help in Southern California

Bed Bugs and Dust Mites – you don’t want either in your Orange County home! The problem is, you have to know what you have in order to eliminate them. The team at Preferred Pest Control is ready to deliver professional help in getting rid of any pests – including bed bugs and dust mites – which invade your home. Both bed bugs and dust mites are nuisances, which can not only drive you crazy, but also affect your health. So, how do you distinguish between the two? Bed Bugs Bed Bugs are tiny insects which can take up residence in your home. These pests are oval, flat, and brown, ...

SoCal Mite Extermination

Would you believe us if we told you that the fastest animal on Earth is the mite? It’s true. They can move about 192 body lengths per second which would be 2,000 kilometers per hour if they were our size! Since these suckers are so fast, you’ll need the help of Preferred Pest Control to get rid of mites in Orange County. Need help with your Mites? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Mite Facts Mites are part of the arachnid family, which means they have an abdomen with four pairs of legs. Believe it or not, there are thousands of different species of mites in the world but ...

Mite Extermination In Orange County

Do you think you have mites? Find out ways to be sure and exterminate them from your home with Preferred Pest Control. The Facts on Mites Mites are very tiny arachnids that measure below 1mm in size, are oval in shape, and have four pairs of legs. The mite species is huge and there are thousands of different kinds. Among the different species are parasitic mites which attack animal hosts and cause skin irritation, mites that destroy crops, mites that can transfer dangerous diseases, and mites that are not harmful at all. The common species of mites include bird mites, chigger mites, clover mites, red mites, southern red mites, and ...