Post-Valentine’s Day Pests
Valentine’s Day has come and gone. We shared chocolates and laughs with a loved one, attended a fun singles party, or maybe we just skipped celebrating all together this year. While humanity was wrapped up in love (or their blankets in front of Netflix) there may have been some pesky pests looming around, capable of ruining anyone’s romantic Valentine’s Day plans. While cute, some creatures, with a bad reputation, might get in your way with their own amorous intentions; others that sound loveable, though truly annoying; and others still which threaten to destroy your beloved delightful flower bouquet. Whether it’s Valentine’s Day, or just to remind your partner you love ...
Pests of All Seasons
Though some pests die off in winter, many thrive all year long in Southern California’s warm climate. Even those that don’t make it through the winter, lay their eggs in anticipation of the coming of spring. Since so many pests live successfully year round in Southern California, here is a compilation of the pests of all seasons and which ones are the most problematic in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Pests All Year Long Ants reside in and around your property year round, though in spring there are often seen in your home. During the winter, ants lay eggs in their nests in large quantities, making winter the perfect ...
Earwigs & Other Common Landscaping Pests to Look Out For
Earwigs – a Common Pest in Orange County We have a love-hate relationship when it comes to earwigs. Under normal population growth, they snack on slugs, snails, and plant decay, which helps garden ecology flourish. But, after the rainy season or in cases where gardens are located in a shady, wet area, these landscaping pests can quickly get out of control. With a bunch of bitten foliage and chewed vegetables adding more hours in the garden, how can homeowners manage an earwig infestation? What other landscaping pests are pertinent in Orange County? Read on to find out! What Are Earwigs and How to Manage Them With terrifying pinchers and a shiny ...
Be Prepared for Spring
How to Prepare for Pests this Spring The “New Year” is upon us! Whether you’re out shopping for health foods, joining a gym, or organizing your time – whatever your resolution is, we hope you’re sticking to it! But can you believe that spring is just a season away? As it steadily approaches, it’s best to be proactive and get prepared now versus when the pests are already at your door. In this article, you’ll learn about one of the most common pests in Southern California regions, plus, what you can do to prevent this pest (and others) from coming and staying in your home when springtime hits. Meet the Earwig Resembling ...
Orange County Earwigs and Silverfish
Have you been noticing some nocturnal insect activity in or around your house at night? You might have a problem with earwigs or silverfish which are two common insects here in Orange County. Read on to find out how to control these insects. Need help with your Earwigs or Silverfish problems? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Earwigs Measuring in at about 5/8ths of an inch, earwigs are a dark brown insect that are pretty easily identified by their large pincers on their backside. Earwigs live in soil, prefer moist areas to live, are nocturnal, and feed on organic substances like plants, crops, and other debris. During the day, ...
Spring is coming! (Also Earwigs)
Don’t panic because despite what you might have heard, earwigs do not enter people’s ears while they sleep. The myth that these insects go into people’s ears and burrow into the brain to cause insanity is completely untrue but interestingly enough is how the insect got its name. The Earwig The Earwig (Latin name Order Dermaptera, meaning “skin winged”) is a blackish brown flat and thin insect ranging from ¼ to 1 inch in length. Earwigs have pinchers on their abdomens (which is why they are also known to some as pincher bugs) and the adults have 2 sets of wings on their thorax but even with those . . ...
What’s an Earwig? And why are they all over my house…
An Earwig is a small yet elongated insect with a pair of terminal appendages that resemble pincers (claw like). The females typically care for their eggs and young until they are grown. Earwigs frighten many people because of their pincers that are on the back of their little bodies. Earwigs use these pincers for defense and for sparing with other earwigs. There are known to be more than twenty species of earwigs in the USA. Most adults range in size from 5-25 mm and are slender with two tiny pair of wings. Some species produce a foul smelling liquid that they use for defense. Ready to get rid of all the earwigs ...