Winter Pests and Orange County Pest Control

Insects, being cold-blooded, frequently hibernate during the winter. However, the presence of warm, climate-controlled homes and a steady source of food and water can lead some bugs to venture indoors rather than go into hiding throughout the colder months. Rodents, too, tend to seek out shelter in homes and crawlspaces when the weather turns cold. For this reason, you may find your home with more unwanted visitors during the winter than you’d like. We’ll discuss some Winters Pests and Environment-Friendly Pest Control Management Services  Ants: One of the most common household pests are ants. In winters your home could be best shelter for ants. Ants inside your home or apartment ...

Winter Pests and Orange County Pest Control

The beginning of winter can frequently be a significant time for the advancement of bug issues. As temperatures drop, bothers look for warmth and safe house in your home (and possibly in your vehicle). Here are a few irritations to watch out for this colder time of year. Mice and rodents Mice and rodents will pervade your home during any period of the year in the event that they can, yet you may see an expansion in rat issues throughout the colder time of year just in light of the fact that they would prefer not to remain outside. They can fit through openings the size of a coin, and ...

Post-Valentine’s Day Pests

Valentine’s Day has come and gone. We shared chocolates and laughs with a loved one, attended a fun singles party, or maybe we just skipped celebrating all together this year.  While humanity was wrapped up in love (or their blankets in front of Netflix) there may have been some pesky pests looming around, capable of ruining anyone’s romantic Valentine’s Day plans. While cute, some creatures, with a bad reputation, might get in your way with their own amorous intentions; others that sound loveable, though truly annoying; and others still which threaten to destroy your beloved delightful flower bouquet. Whether it’s Valentine’s Day, or just to remind your partner you love ...

Pests of All Seasons

Though some pests die off in winter, many thrive all year long in Southern California’s warm climate. Even those that don’t make it through the winter, lay their eggs in anticipation of the coming of spring. Since so many pests live successfully year round in Southern California, here is a compilation of the pests of all seasons and which ones are the most problematic in spring, summer, fall, and winter.   Pests All Year Long Ants reside in and around your property year round, though in spring there are often seen in your home. During the winter, ants lay eggs in their nests in large quantities, making winter the perfect ...

Do You Still Need Pest Control During Fall?

pest control fall
It’s been quite warm in Orange County, CA! Especially in the northern cities like Fullerton, Corona, and Orange. But when chilly fall weather comes rolling in, what could be better than staying inside and getting cozy?  Orange County residents aren’t the only ones who think that way. Cold temperatures and limited food availability drive rodents, insects, and other common household pests to seek shelter indoors.  As pest control professionals, we frequently see an uptick in infestations during the colder months. That’s why we’ve put together a few easy tips you can follow to keep pests out of your home during fall. Secure your garbage bins—both inside and outside  New food ...

American Roaches Love Moist, Warm Weather

3 Ways to Keep Roaches Away During Summer Out of the roughly 4,500 cockroach species, just 30 are household pests. Guess which group American roaches fall into? Yep, pests it is. And, they aren’t just any pesky critter; along with German, Australian, and Oriental roaches, American roaches are the top four most pesky cockroaches. While roaches in general are a nuisance, its the American roaches’ large size and agility that puts them on the top of the list. Like many pests, cockroaches love heat, and American roaches are no exception. With summer just around the corner, high temperatures call for American roach patrol. Be on the lookout for these large ...

Summer heat and tons of Roach Control in my home. Yikes!!!

Summer is here and with these higher temps comes a bug which thrives is such climates: the roach control. Find out the differences between American and German cockroaches that we have here in Orange County and put a stop to them with our roach control experts at Preferred Pest Control! Need help with your German cockroach problems? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Preferred Pest Control, we like to do a thorough inspection of your home or office to figure out how these little buggers are getting inside. See the below information on Cockroach management and removal tactics. Cockroach Inspection:  A thorough inspection is key to a successful cockroach management plan. The purpose of ...

SoCal American and German Cockroaches

Summer is just around the corner and with higher temps comes a bug which thrives is such climates: the roach control. Find out the differences between American and German cockroaches that we have here in Orange County and put a stop to them with our roach control experts at Preferred Pest Control! Need help with your American cockroach and/or German cockroach problems? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 American Cockroaches The American Cockroach are about 3 inches in length, have a red/brown brown color, and have a yellow outline behind their head. These cockroaches have wings and are able to fly when they reach adulthood. Usually an outdoor pest ...

Stop American Cockroaches in Orange County

Getting sick of American cockroaches around your home? Solve it by calling Preferred Pest Control! American Cockroach Facts American cockroaches are around 3 inches in length and have a red-brown color to them with a yellowing band behind their heads. The American cockroach reproduces by laying egg casings. The female cockroach will lay these capsule-like egg casing in a warm and humid area with each one of the casings containing around 16 eggs within. The eggs hatch and the American cockroaches grow into adults in about 5 months. Unlike the German cockroach, the American cockroach uses its pair of wings to fly and likes to live outdoors – typically in ...

Have German Cockroaches Invaded Your Home?

Learn all bout German cockroaches how to prevent them this summer! Facts about German cockroaches The German cockroach grows up to 16mm in length, has a tan color with two horizontal black stripes across its exterior, and has a pair of wings that are rarely put to use as they prefer to use their legs to move about. Younger German cockroaches are near black in color but also have the two stripes across their bodies. These cockroaches are known for their ability to reproduce at an incredible rate. After mating, the female German cockroach lays 4-6 egg cases, with each of those casings containing about 30-40 eggs! The eggs hatch ...
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