American Cockroach Infestation Signs and Prevention Tips in Orange County, CA – Stop Roaches in Their Tracks

Learn to identify the telltale signs of an American cockroach infestation and follow our expert prevention tips to keep your Orange County home roach-free. Are you worried that your Orange County home might be infested with American cockroaches? These unwelcome pests can cause a variety of problems, from contaminating food to triggering allergies. At Preferred Pest Control, we understand how important it is to keep these pesky insects out of your home, and we’re here to help. In this blog, we’ll discuss the signs of an American cockroach infestation and share some prevention tips to help you maintain a roach-free environment. Let’s dive in! Signs of an American Cockroach Infestation: ...

Winter Pests and Orange County Pest Control

Insects, being cold-blooded, frequently hibernate during the winter. However, the presence of warm, climate-controlled homes and a steady source of food and water can lead some bugs to venture indoors rather than go into hiding throughout the colder months. Rodents, too, tend to seek out shelter in homes and crawlspaces when the weather turns cold. For this reason, you may find your home with more unwanted visitors during the winter than you’d like. We’ll discuss some Winters Pests and Environment-Friendly Pest Control Management Services  Ants: One of the most common household pests are ants. In winters your home could be best shelter for ants. Ants inside your home or apartment ...

American Roaches Love Moist, Warm Weather

3 Ways to Keep Roaches Away During Summer Out of the roughly 4,500 cockroach species, just 30 are household pests. Guess which group American roaches fall into? Yep, pests it is. And, they aren’t just any pesky critter; along with German, Australian, and Oriental roaches, American roaches are the top four most pesky cockroaches. While roaches in general are a nuisance, its the American roaches’ large size and agility that puts them on the top of the list. Like many pests, cockroaches love heat, and American roaches are no exception. With summer just around the corner, high temperatures call for American roach patrol. Be on the lookout for these large ...

Dry Climate and American Cockroaches

Cockroaches are probably the most unwanted insect that one would want invading their home. As residents of Orange County, Southern California, we know that the dry climate attracts these filthy pests. Read on to learn how to be best prepared for any American Cockroach invasions with tips from Preferred Pest Control. Need American Cockroach Removal Services? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Facts about the American Cockroach The American Cockroach has a reddish brown coloration and they are easily recognized by a yellow colored band that outlines the area behind their heads. This specific species of cockroach is huge! That’s right, the American Cockroach adult can grow up to ...

SoCal American and German Cockroaches

Summer is just around the corner and with higher temps comes a bug which thrives is such climates: the roach control. Find out the differences between American and German cockroaches that we have here in Orange County and put a stop to them with our roach control experts at Preferred Pest Control! Need help with your American cockroach and/or German cockroach problems? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 American Cockroaches The American Cockroach are about 3 inches in length, have a red/brown brown color, and have a yellow outline behind their head. These cockroaches have wings and are able to fly when they reach adulthood. Usually an outdoor pest ...

Stop American Cockroaches in Orange County

Getting sick of American cockroaches around your home? Solve it by calling Preferred Pest Control! American Cockroach Facts American cockroaches are around 3 inches in length and have a red-brown color to them with a yellowing band behind their heads. The American cockroach reproduces by laying egg casings. The female cockroach will lay these capsule-like egg casing in a warm and humid area with each one of the casings containing around 16 eggs within. The eggs hatch and the American cockroaches grow into adults in about 5 months. Unlike the German cockroach, the American cockroach uses its pair of wings to fly and likes to live outdoors – typically in ...