Garden Pest Control in Orange County: Tackling March’s Most Common Pests with Preferred Pest Control

Discover the most common pests in Orange County, CA during March, and learn how Preferred Pest Control can protect your garden from cutworms, fruitworms, armyworms, earwigs, and gallmakers. Introduction: As March rolls in and spring approaches, Orange County, CA residents can expect the arrival of various garden pests. These pests can wreak havoc on your plants, impacting both their appearance and overall health. Preferred Pest Control, a leading pest control company in Orange County, is here to help you identify and combat these common pests. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top five March pests you may encounter: cutworms, fruitworms, armyworms, earwigs, and gallmakers. Cutworms Cutworms are the larvae ...

Don’t Let Earwigs, Beetles, and Crickets Bug You This March: Tips from Preferred Pest Control in Orange County

As spring approaches in Orange County, California, pests are starting to emerge from their winter hiding places. March is a crucial time to take preventative measures against common pests such as earwigs, beetles, and crickets, before they have a chance to infest your home or business. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these pests and what you can do to keep them at bay with the help of Preferred Pest Control. Earwigs Earwigs are a common pest in Southern California, and March marks the beginning of their breeding season. These insects are attracted to moist environments, such as damp soil or mulch, and can often be ...