Crickets Mating Season is Here! What You Need to Know.
If Orange County homeowners and residents are noticing some chirping in and around their homes, there’s a good chance it’s crickets. Specifically, male crickets “chirp” (or sing) to woo a mate. They do this by moving their wings together, which produces a pitch so that female crickets can find them. For females in search of a mate, larger male crickets are preferable, which can be identified from their lower pitch. While male crickets singing in the evening or at night may lull (or annoy) homeowners, crickets in general can eat up and damage household items such as cotton and linen. Because of this, mating season or not, homeowners need to ...
Orange County Residents – Need to Get Rid of Silverfish?
Orange County residents and homeowners most likely have encountered silverfish scurrying on their kitchen floors, in and around pantries, or up in the attic. Virtually any place that is cool and damp is bound to attract these silvery, three-tailed flat insects. Although these tiny, wingless creatures are relatively harmless to humans, anything starch-based is fair game; we’re talking not just starch foods but fabrics, paste, wallpaper, and books. Also, interesting fact: contrary to popular belief, silverfish are not known to carry diseases. Since silverfish are starch lovers, they can eat and damage such starch-concentrated items found around homes. So how do Orange County suburbanites save their starch foods and products ...