Spiders: The Truth About Mating Habits
For Southern California residents hitting the hiking trails, be prepared to see more male tarantulas up until November. Why the sudden increase? Yep, tarantula mating season is here, which means males will be out and about in search of dormant females. This pattern of male spiders looking for a female companion is not just reserved for tarantulas. Many male spiders display this same behavior. But what is surprising, especially when it comes to black widows and redbacks, is some won’t survive the mating process. So, why do males make the long, dangerous journey only to potentially die when they do find a female spider? Read on to discover why! If ...
Ants, Common Orange County Pests
One common Orange County pest that residents may see in their homes and lurking around gardens is none other than, ants. Argentine ants, especially, are attracted to sweet foods, making sweet blossoms and fruits in gardens prime targets. Not to mention, leftover crumbs on counters and floors is a calling card for ants already in search of an escape from damp or hot weather. It is when ants find relief in homes that homeowners are in for trouble. Orange County Ant Infestations Cause Trouble for Homeowners Ant infestations not under control are a nuisance at best, and a fiasco at worst, especially when it comes to carpenter ants and fire ...