Flea season Starts in Late Spring, Are You Prepared?

flea orange county
As if winter flea season wasn’t enough, these jumpy creatures are back for late spring. Left unchecked, fleas can cause annoying bites, and transmit bacteria and tapeworms (gross!) to people and furry friends. However, the risk of flea-infected tapeworms for humans is quite low. Along with their neighbor, the tick, fleas are the (not-so-obvious) bloodsucking vampires of the insect kingdom. As Bohart Museum of Entomology mentions, bites usually come in a three-course meal for triple the itching — lovely. So, how do you banish these high-flying jumpers once and for all? Read on to find out! However, if you’d rather leave extermination to the experts, contact Preferred Pest Control of ...

What Bird Mites Do to Birds Nesting

[photo by aewills] When homeowners think of spring-time pesky critters, bird mites probably don’t come to mind. That’s not to say they are any less of a nuisance than fellow insect cousins, fleas and lice. In fact, what makes bird mites stand out in the insect kingdom is their preference for birds’ nesting and bird blood (yummy?).  That’s where the problem starts. When homeowners have birds nesting around their homes, bird mites are bound to follow. Once birds leave, without a food source, bird mites resort to their second favorite host: yep, humans. How Bird Mites Wreak Havoc on Homeowner’s Residences  Now what replaces annoying chirping in the morning is an ...