Don’t Bug Me It’s Summer Time – A Pest Free Season
Orange County, California, May 9, 2017 – Get ready for all the summer barbecues and pool parties without worrying about unwanted guests. Critters, like spiders, ants, bees and wasps have been known to join in on the fun. Sometimes they beat the heat by relaxing in your air conditioned home. Here are some suggestions to prepare for the season.
Eliminate food sources and hiding spaces – Ants love margarita mix as well as all the other options at your barbecue. Leaving food out will attract ants and other insects. Sometimes they come out of the woodwork and sometimes they come right from under your lawn chair. Check under tables and lawn chairs for webbing as these are signs of Widow spiders. In addition to eliminating hiding spaces and food sources, traps will divert the insect’s attention away from you and your recreational activities.
There are many styles of traps, to serve the many styles of insects. There is not one pest control technique that works for all insects. Before spending any money on traps it’s important to understand the types of insects that inhabit the area. A fly trap is going to serve a different purpose compared to a roach trap. After setting up traps, a good idea is to schedule a routine spraying.
Backpack Spraying is a method of applying a safe pesticide around an areas perimeter preventing insects from crossing the pesticide barrier. Though it is not a complicated process the proper application is crucial to the effectiveness of the chemicals. It is a good idea to contact a professional to help apply the pesticide while doing this they can also assess the environment to better understand the cause of the pest issue. One of the most common in the summertime is moisture.
During the summertime, insects hide out in the shade at their local watering holes, aka your recreational areas. Puddles of water and moist lawns make for the most attractive areas for insects. Point your sprinklers away from your home and do not over water. Keep your home well ventilated and dry.
For help with any of these strategies please contact PreferredPestControl. Know more onTermite tenting and Ant control