Yellow Jacket Wasps in OC
It’s almost summer and that means it’s yellow jacket season! Be on the lookout for any ground wasps nests you find and call Preferred Pest Control if they become a nuisance! Need help with your Yellow Jacket or other types of wasps? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Yellow Jacket Wasps The season for yellow jacket is upon us as yellow jackets are most active from May through October and reach their population peak around late summer. As you might have guessed, yellow jackets get their name from their yellow and black appearance. They have a very thin waist and measure up to 16mm. Yellow jacket wasps are distinguished ...
Orange County Ticks & Fleas
It’s summertime and the humidity is rising. Fleas and Ticks are some insects that thrive in humidity. If you have pets, don’t let these insects take over your house this summer! Call Preferred Pest Control and let us exterminate these blood sucking parasites for you. Need help with your Fleas and/or Ticks? Give us a call today! (714) 486-2637 Flea Facts As you might know already, fleas are parasitic insects that feed on blood of their host. They measure about 2.5mm in length, are dark red/brown in color, and even though they don’t look it, are covered in microscopic hairs. Fleas are wingless insects but are able to jump long ...