Orange County Fumigation Services
Preferred Pest Control offers fumigation services in Orange County, California. Read on to get a understanding of the fumigation process. OC Fumigation Services Fumigation involves covering a property with a tent to contain gaseous pesticides, also known as fumigants, to kill the pests that live within. The infected area is covered to make a sealed environment, then gas is pumped in to eliminate pests, and finally the gas is released through ventilation so the owners can return to a safe, pest-free environment. The process of fumigation usually takes one week to complete or more depending on a few factors: the size of the infected area, the size of pest infestation, ...
Prevent Termites in OC
Termites can be quite common in Southern California and if you are unlucky enough to have them destroying your property, read on to identify the type of termite you have and learn how to stop them. In California, there are five species of termites: Western subterranean, Desert subterranean, Arid-land subterranean, Western drywood, and Pacific dampwood termites. Facts About Termites In Orange County, the Western subterranean termite is most common, causing millions of dollars worth of damage to infected areas. These termites eat common timbers used for construction and leave the wood as a thin shell with a honey-comb look to it. The Western subterranean termite caste system includes queen, king, ...