Stop American Cockroaches in Orange County

Getting sick of American cockroaches around your home? Solve it by calling Preferred Pest Control! American Cockroach Facts American cockroaches are around 3 inches in length and have a red-brown color to them with a yellowing band behind their heads. The American cockroach reproduces by laying egg casings. The female cockroach will lay these capsule-like egg casing in a warm and humid area with each one of the casings containing around 16 eggs within. The eggs hatch and the American cockroaches grow into adults in about 5 months. Unlike the German cockroach, the American cockroach uses its pair of wings to fly and likes to live outdoors – typically in ...

Have German Cockroaches Invaded Your Home?

Learn all bout German cockroaches how to prevent them this summer! Facts about German cockroaches The German cockroach grows up to 16mm in length, has a tan color with two horizontal black stripes across its exterior, and has a pair of wings that are rarely put to use as they prefer to use their legs to move about. Younger German cockroaches are near black in color but also have the two stripes across their bodies. These cockroaches are known for their ability to reproduce at an incredible rate. After mating, the female German cockroach lays 4-6 egg cases, with each of those casings containing about 30-40 eggs! The eggs hatch ...