Summer Tick Prevention
Summer is officially here! Learn how to keep the ticks away so you can party all day! Tick Facts Ticks are classified as arachnids and are very small creatures – an adult engorged with blood can be over 1cm long – and they vary in color depending on the species. California is home to a few different types of ticks which include the Blacklegged tick, Lone Star tick, and Dog tick, among others. Ticks are external parasites that live on the blood of mammals, birds, and even reptiles and usually hang out in wooded areas or places with high vegetation. They prefer places with warm, humid climates as this supports ...
Southern California Ant Control and Extermination
Did you build your house on an ant hill? Reclaim your territory with Preferred Pest Control and show ‘em who’s boss! There are over 12,000 species of ants on planet Earth and many more believed to be undiscovered. It’s no wonder they outnumber us by 1,500,000 to 1! With so different species of ants around the globe, we should be thankful that California only has 270 to deal with and the most common type that plagues Orange County and Southern California homes is the Argentine Ant. If you guessed that this type is native to Argentina, you are correct! They were brought to the US by coffee ships from Brazil ...