What’s an Earwig? And why are they all over my house…

An Earwig is a small yet elongated insect with a pair of terminal appendages that resemble pincers (claw like). The females typically care for their eggs and young until they are grown. Earwigs frighten many people because of their pincers that are on the back of their little bodies. Earwigs use these pincers for defense and for sparing with other earwigs. There are known to be more than twenty species of earwigs in the USA.  Most adults range in size from 5-25 mm and are slender with two tiny pair of wings.  Some species produce a foul smelling liquid that they use for defense. Ready to get rid of all the earwigs ...

Fleas are such a menace to society! Help me remove them from my home asap.

Fleas can be such a menace to humans and pets! Dont worry, we will help you find the best methods to remove and treat your home for flea infestations. Need Flea Treatment today? Call Today For A Quote: (714) 486-2637 About Fleas: Fleas are tiny, little insects that live off the blood of other animals, typically with lots of fur or hair (sometimes carpet). Fleas are a real problem when they invade your home. In the one year they are alive, one pair of fleas can create millions of offspring. Just one female can produce up to 500 during her lifetime. They lay eggs in carpet, bedding, upholstery and even cracks in ...