Bed Bugs taking over Orange County

Are Bed Bugs taking over Orange County? Well, let’s hope not… But, they are an extremely active bug that aren’t seasonal like other bugs. Bed bugs are a growing problem in the U.S., and people are now realizing that these bugs aren’t just found in filthy/dirty areas – they’ve also been found in the finest of homes and hotels, too. Bed Bugs are nasty little critters and they can appear all year long in your home, car, schools and more. Luckily, you found this Bed Bug Blog because we are going to help you by listing some common questions and tips for removing bed bugs from your house asap. Effective bed bug removal can ...

Wasps & Bees can be scary and dangerous!

Wasps & Bees can be scary and dangerous in Orange County or anywhere for that matter! If you have a dangerous infestation of Wasps or Bees the first thing you want to do is move yourself, your pets etc… away from the nest ASAP and give us a call @ 714-916-0173. So, whats the difference between Wasps and Bees you say? Wasps are slender with smooth bodies and skinny legs while bees are mostly hairy with robust, flat legs for gathering pollen. Sometimes you can see big bunches of pollen on the back of the bees legs. Pollen is important to humans because it pollinates our plants (aka: Food). Lets talk ...